I heard over and over again, that this is only a beginning, and the success of this show will only lead to a bigger show next year. However, the there were lots of attendees and the exhibit floor was filled with people looking to buy software/hardware. Bare Bones - Makers of BBEdit, this is their home town!.Microsoft - They could have capitalized on Apple not being at the show!.While everyone knows that Apple wasn't there, there were some other notable exhibitors missing from the show floor. There were only 80 exhibitors this year, a much smaller than the last show in Boston. This was a far cry from the days when they split the show between the World Trade Center and Bayside Expo. Today I was lucky and had the opportunity to get away from work and at least checkout the exhibit floor at MacWorld Boston. I know programs like Carbon Copy can migrate data between two computers, but I am thinking of doing a fresh install.
I created this list so that I can find all the serial numbers and disks.